The Artists

Mitch Verdin

I was raised
on my Grandfather’s dairy, North East of Mauldin in Greenville County, where the
head springs of Gilder Creek are.

There, is where I started the exploration of
the creeks, rivers, woods, fields, and soon, the mountains of upstate South

I wished that I could convey some of the sights that always seemed to
lie just around the next hill, brook, or corner; they seemed wasted on me

I have wanted to have such visions displayed, as I saw them. That others might have that same feeling. The one you get when you come across that certain scene or vista which
reminds us that the works of God, though degraded and downtrodden by it's contact with darkness, are still
beautiful. I think that if art is to be anything, it will come out of an effort
to imitate a glimpse of something lost, that which was once perfection.

- Mitch Verdin

Mitch Verdin passed through the veil into new life with the Lord, Jesus Christ, in 2020. This shop is created in his honor by his wife and children. We want for the world to continue to benefit from his vision, skill, artistry, and love of God.

Rebekah Wells

As the youngest child of Mitch Verdin, it is my honor to host this shop alongside my mother and siblings.

Over the last several years my mom, dad, and I would dream of starting a shop to showcase and sell Dad's art.

Unfortunately, we were not able to make that dream come to fruition during his lifetime.

However, his work endures along with this great dream.

As I began to peruse his art, I found quite a lot of photography. I was stunned. It was a portion of his artistry that I had never seen before.

I began to dream of what these photographs could be and all that they could bring to others. So, I decided to learn to edit photos with the hope that the fullness of his work could be enjoyed. Along the way I found an insatiable joy and love of editing photographs. I couldn't believe how much beauty a photo could hold, and how much fun it was to draw each bit of gold out.

Having also inherited his camera, I began to venture out to see what perspectives I could capture. It was like stepping into an entirely different dimension of living. Finding more beauty in every day than I had ever taken note of before.

With that being said: Some of the photography is a collaboration between Mitch Verdin, the photographer, and myself, the editor.

While other photo's are the work of myself as both photographer and editor.

My goal in every photo is to showcase the beauty found in the world; fresh perspectives on scenes that we might have bypassed time and time again.

There is always beauty to be found.

Sometimes we just have to shift to catch the light.

Maybe it simply isn't where we thought.

Perhaps we were just sitting in sunrays but missing the sun all together.

I want to capture what is seen when we shift.